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product details

royal jelly soft capsules

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this product is a dietary supplement. its main ingredients are fresh royal jelly, palm oil, beewax, and salad oil. proven by function tests, it has immune adjustment function.

ingredients: fresh royal jelly, palm oil, beewax, salad oil, and etc.

effective component: each 100g contains 10-hydroxyl-2-decenoic acid more than 0.1g.

functions: immunoregulation

applications: people who have weaken immune system, not suitable for children taken.

directions: 1-2 daily, 1g for each dose,

specification: 0.5g/cap, 1.0g/cap.

expiration date: 24 months

storage: be kept in airtight containers, in a cool and dry place and away from sun.

attention: this product does not take place of medication.


royal jelly soft capsules

royal jelly soft capsules

royal jelly soft capsules

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